Another 1st birthday of a little one so dear to my heart has come and gone. My nephew, Samson, turned one on August 22nd and he sure partied it up like no other one year old I have ever seen! Of course we all know how quickly a year can go by, but what surprises me most is that this baby looks SO different from when he was first born. He has definitely kept his cuteness, but his eyes and hair have lightened up so much! He now looks so similar to his big brother, Eli, it takes you back 4 years in an instant! It's crazy to think of how much a baby changes in a year. Samson has learned to roll, sit, crawl, walk, and talk all in a matter of months. Not only was he early for these milestones, but I think he could walk before he could sit up for long periods of time. This boy has claimed a special place in my heart and anytime we are out people cannot stop staring and commenting on his cuteness. He loves to snuggle, run, climb, and throw things - I'm thinking we have a serious athlete here, and he has no fear and dives right in to everything he does (see cake photo) - this trait will take him far, no doubt! He also has an incredible attention span for a one year old and will sit on your lap and watch practically a whole movie. My sister and brother-in-law sure do know how to make 'em! This boy makes my day with every smile and hug and I feel so honored that God would allow me to share in the blessing of watching him grow and to be his aunt. Happy birthday, Baby Bubs! Love you SO much!
Handsome boy! |
The infamous cake photo. |
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