My nephew Eli turned 4 last Saturday, February 12th. I took a few pictures before all the party-goers got to his birthday party (and while I still had his attention). Therefore, this handsome boy is my "Picture Of The Week" this week. I still cannot believe how much little kids change in 4 years! I remember the night he was born and how exciting it was to welcome my first nephew into this crazy big world. It was so fun hanging out at the hospital waiting for my sister to progress. I left the hospital a little before 3am and about 30 minutes later got the call that Holly was pushing. My mom and I rushed back to the hospital and waited in the hall until Holly was decent and the nurse said we could come in. When walked in Eli was laying on a little table where nurses were checking him over and making sure he was healthy. He was about a month early, but was in excellent health. He was wide awake and had the bluest eyes and his tiny little mouth kept hanging open as he stared out at his new home. I never knew love at first sight existed until I laid eyes on this tiny 5lb 6oz, blue eyed, and shiny faced baby boy! I could have never predicted how cute and little he would be and was blown away at how much I immediately loved him. There are so many things I could say about that night and about how awesome Eli has grown to be. He is super smart and ahead of the game developmentally, has the best sense of humor a kid could have, and is always melting our hearts with how sweet he is! His mommy and daddy have done a great job with the blessing of raising him bestowed upon them and I am in awe of how amazing and wonderful this little guy is! Happy 4th Birthday to my sweet, smart, first born nephew, who will always hold that special place in my heart of being my 1st nephew! I love you Eli Leroy!
Me and my baby E |
oh great, now Im sobbing like a baby:) This is so sweet mimi. He really is one incredible kid and Im beyond blessed to be his mama! thanks for being such a great aunt!