Seems like just yesterday I was blogging about my handsome nephew's 4th birthday! I cannot believe another year has come and gone and my 1st born nephew is 5! He's so amazing at 5! Even as an adult, there are traits I look up to him for. He has the biggest heart and is so encouraging for his young age. He tells his mom, his gram, and his auntie all the time they look beautiful and that they can do it! He ask the most thoughtful questions and is so smart it blows my mind. He's thoughtful and genuine... and I could on and on about this kid! It has been such a blessing and honor from the Lord to be his auntie! I knew from the minute I laid eyes on the little 5lb, bald, blue-eyed, monkey that he was going to be special. He's going to do big things and bless so many people as he grows. Watch out world!
Celebrating Sonic The Hedgehog style. |
Looking cool. |
Aunt Mimi and her angels. |
His first big boy bike! |
Aunt Mimi's princess playing Angry Birds and waiting for cake, I'm sure. |
Mommy did a great job on the Sonic cake! |
Baby Sam pooped from all the birthday fun. |
Happy birthday, E!